St Margaret’s Church Choir

St Margaret`s Church has always benefited from a good musical tradition with currently a four part choir. Currently our choir is meeting on Zoom and contributing to our online Sunday services.  Normally however they sing at our morning and evening Sunday services, other activities include participating in concerts and diocesan choir festivals and occasional visits to churches to sing evensong. In the past the choir has performed as a ‘visiting choir’ at Birmingham, Derby, Leicester and Southwark Cathedral.
The choir are also normally available to sing at weddings and funerals.

A facebook video of the Junior Choir can be found here.


Friends of the Choir

The Friends of St Margaret’s Choir was formed in 1985 to help preserve this tradition and to support and encourage music making in our church.  We are one of the few churches to have a choir nowadays.  The ‘Friends’ help the work of the Choir by raising funds to promote musical awareness and choral training, for new music, robes and other requirements.  Outings for both choral and social events are planned each year which everyone is welcome to attend.  A newsletter ‘The Organ Pipe’ keeps members informed of forthcoming events and other musical topics.

Membership of the ‘Friends’ is open to everyone in the church whether musical or not.  Currently the membership is about 65 members. Contact Us to Find out about becoming a member or current opportunities to join St Margaret’s Choir.

Contact Us About Choir Opportunities

St Margaret’s Church – Olton Choir Facebook Page