The Spencer Hall
- The Spencer Hall is a recently refurbished hall with a capacity of approximately 100 and a seated capacity of around 80.
The hall is used on a regular basis by the Church and a variety of groups including: Line Dancing; Rainbows and Brownies; Beavers, Cubs and Scouts; Ballet; and Solihull Age UK.
At other times the hall can be hired out and is suitable for a variety of uses including:
- Birthday Parties
- Children’s Parties
- Fitness Classes
- Local Community Meetings
- Societies and Clubs
- Training
We welcome suggestions/applications for hire of the hall at any time, subject to availability.
- Toilets
- Kitchen
- Parking
- Wheelchair Access
The main hall dimensions are as follows:
Width 9.7 m;
Length 13.0 m;
Height 3.37 m.